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Essential Elements Of Network Security

Posted on: April 2nd, 2013

Network SecurityThere are a few elements of network security that every security specialist or beginner should master, whether they want to keep away a would-be hacker, prevent DDoS attacks, or simply keep out the bad viruses. These elements are fundamentals of security that every good system maintenance tech should learn before they begin advanced level security training. By implementing these basic tools, you can rest assured you have a solid foundation for success in the security business.

Security Basics

Every security professional must understand that no security system is 100%. There is a certain amount of risk that is going to exist no matter how good a company’s defenses. The job of a security professional is to define how much risk is acceptable. Risk means the likelihood that a threat will actually cross over defense mechanisms and exploit a company’s weaknesses.

There are tools available to measure weaknesses in a security system. Any company can lower risk by using more than one method of defense against security breaches. This includes developing different architectures to withstand attacks, including hacking attacks against a network’s security. One of the most common defense mechanisms is a firewall, which separates the internal system or architecture from the internet.

Most corporations also set up an anti-virus program as well, and establish the network so that internal servers have the same level of defense as desktop computers. That means that all internal hosts are functioning at the same level of risk. It is also important to establish security that is what is known as information centric. That means security must also be distinguished and focus on critical information. Some information must be more highly guarded than other information. For example, within an organization there are trademarks, copyrights, patents, and other information that must be more highly guarded than other data. It is up to IT professionals to examine what methods of security will best protect this proprietary data.

There is also a method of analysis called threat vector analysis, which allows security professionals to identify the assets within an organization that are most important. Then, security professionals must locate the paths that hackers or other agents might use to gain access to this information, and subsequently place defenses or controls on the portals allowing entrance to them to protect them from access and vulnerability. This is critical to a total defense structure within an organization. There are other methods for implementing total defense architecture within an organization. What is most important to remember is that it is an IT professional or security agent’s job to look at the entire structure of the organization and critical components, rather than just one segment of security to ensure success of the entire system.

Secure Proxy Services

Cheap shared proxy or services also offer one of the best internet security devices on the web. Network security should always include an investment in a proxy service. These services are used to direct and manage internet traffic. There are many benefits of using a proxy which include improved speed, caching of popular web pages, and the most important… securing a hosts internal network from any type of malware that may try to invade and damage the internal network. A proxy server is one of the very best ways to protect from damage associated with malware, which typically is installed when there is a security loophole. Avoid this altogether by investing in a proxy server which blocks and analyzes web traffic, preventing any dangerous or suspicious looking content from accessing the internal software.

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