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Survey Says Most Companies Do Not Use Effective Security

Posted on: April 4th, 2013

Companies Effective SecurityKapersky Lab, a major provider of anti-virus, malware, and major security services for business services, recently surveyed companies throughout the world only to find that as many as 15% were not aware of and did not use systems to defend against attacks on their IT infrastructure. That’s a large percentage, given how common IT attacks on business systems are. What’s more, many of these companies were not interested in using such systems.

The survey included senior IT managers and top level security agents. Most of the companies and officials surveyed reported they did not control third party software applications, and as many as 45% did not balance network access control. That means that most of these companies were vulnerable to some kind of attacks. The other side of the survey suggests that most of the companies suggested that at some point in the near future the companies were going to implement some form of technology within the very near future. But that left the door open for attacks until such an implementation took place.

How have these companies survived for so long without protection? Luck?

Security And Encryption Services

Most of the companies surveyed were asked about encryption at the folder and file level. Many companies did encrypt data at the folder and file level. This is a satisfactory way to provide protection from hackers that attempt to corrupt files and data. Roughly 50% of companies throughout the world do encrypt data at the file level, preventing hackers from corrupting data and accessing key information about corporate financials, employees, benefits, and other pertinent information including company secrets and trademarks. Officials said that not encrypting data could leave a company open to fatal results and side effects.

The costs of recovering from an attack on files and data could be enormous. It is much easier to prevent an attack than to deal with the aftermath. While it is good news that many companies are planning strategies to implement encryption in the near future, there is no telling when an attack may come. If something were to happen in the interim, a company could face ruin. There are steps companies can take in the short-term to protect information, including securing passwords and limiting access to certain data files to preserve the integrity of the system.

In the meantime, let’s hope that companies preserve the same good fortune they’ve held for this many years, so their integrity may be preserved for a bit longer.

Saving Even More On Costs

Companies can save tremendously on costs by investing in proxy servers. This is the best way to prevent malware attacks from hackers and other cybercriminals. A paid proxy service has the ability to secure a network and even block incoming network if it looks suspicious or unauthorized. As a network administrator, by using a proxy server, you can monitor web traffic and set up the server to automatically delete any type of suspicious or threatening traffic before it enters the network system. This is truly the best way to keep corporate or personal files safe from threats including malware.

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