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The Skinny on Proxy Server IP Addresses

Posted on: April 20th, 2013

Skinny on Proxy WorldA proxy server is a unique service that manages traffic as a middle person or medium between two or more computers. One of the primary functions of a proxy server is to enhance security. Proxies can do this by disguising the identity of a computer when it is accessing other web servers. The proxy does this by offering an alternative IP address than the one a computer is originally assigned.

The IP address is a computer’s unique identifier it uses when surfing the internet. Typically when a computer requests a web page or a file from a server, it leaves a signature. This is known as it’s IP address, and it usually consists of a series of numbers. When a proxy server is used however, a server receiving a request for information receives only the proxy server’s IP address, and not the client’s true IP address.

Identity Information

Computers much like people have to be identified some way on the Internet. One way this happens is through IP addresses. This provides information not just about the computer but also its physical location or the location of the server. There is also another address associated with computers which is the MAC or Media Access Control address. The MAC address is based on the computer’s network card, which may not be referenced excepted by the computer’s in-house or in-network router. However, many networks may need to have a computer’s IP address.

What Does the IP Address Contain?

The IP address consists of a 32-bit number, each sectioned into four separate parts. A unique address may look like An address can be used in many ways, including by technical support staff if they need to work on a computer or a router issue with your computer. An IP address however, can also be used by identity hackers or thieves if they want to track information about your online habits, or attempt to steal information about you or from your network.

Proxy Protection

Using a proxy is the best way to protect your internet IP address. A proxy IP configuration provides an IP address that is confidential. The proxy server will be identified by the port number and IP address it uses to access information and files from other servers on the Web. However your computer will always be accessing the proxy and not directly accessing other websites first, so your personal IP address will never be floating around the internet. This is how your information gets protected on the Web when using a proxy IP address. As far as anyone else knows however, the IP address of the proxy is your IP address and your computer.

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